This replay is from the fifth SU27 STRiKER Training mission "2 vs. 2, Guns Only, First Pass Cold". This replay is included in this package as we wish to demonstrate how to approach this mission, under the ROE, the first few times you try it out.
First off we have a few extra notes on the Su-27 Flanker-B as it appears in this mission set:
"The Su-27 is, like all the Sukhoi aircraft, a formidable machine. Soviet fighter design was targeted at producing aircraft that can do one job well. We don't see as many "multiple-mission" designed jets in the ex-Soviet air force stable as we do in the Western air forces.
The real Su-27 proposal came from the Sukhoi OKB in 1969. First production models went into service in 1984. It is designed to shoot down enemy fighters from beyond visible range and can carry an awesome array of semi-active radar homing missiles and infra-red guided missiles. It was the Soviet response to the "wall" scenario of four F-15 Eagles "beaming" across Soviet airspace, in Eastern Europe or over the Leningrad Military District. It's strengths are it's speed, it's relatively high maneuvering ability, and it's massive air-to-air missile load.
In this mission set against the F/A-18 or the F-16 in a close-in guns only "knife-fight" you are in trouble. You can outrun them but the Viper will turn inside you so quick you will not believe it. The Hornet will climb forever after you. If you go to full afterburner and try to pull a loop starting at around 1,000 feet, you will reach 10,000 to 20,000 feet (depending on entry speed) at the top of the loop... and that is not tactical.
This is not the "nippy" Hornet you are used to, nor will you have the "awesome array" of missiles of the real Su-27. You are in Iraq, and defensive, so you would not have access to the supplies you would need.
What you really have is speed... and the fuel to reach, and maintain that speed. You will need to use A) Rudder, and B) Throttle when flying this plane in these missions, like never before. You have to try to squeeze every ounce of performance out of this plane, thinking ahead two or three steps more than ever. Make one mistake and that Viper is going to latch onto your six and the only thing you will be able to do is run.
You can win, and sometimes win well, in the Su-27. It is a great platform to fly in these 34 missions, and these missions are designed as air-to-air scenarios."
•1 Approach.
No time for fancy formation flying, I just stick the auto-pilot on and have a good look around. Leaving the thrust on %90, with one fuel tank on the center-line station, I keep the same rate of acceleration as my wingman. I stay slightly lower than him and in trail.
•2 Merge.
I don't take the head-on shot as this mission is "first pass cold". My wingman breaks left and then goes vertical, I go vertical immediately. I wanted to keep my speed at around 400 KIAS, near corner velocity, as I need to get turned around quick and tight. I'm not quick enough on the throttle though.
•3 Fights On!
I select and padlock the nearest Viper, while keeping an eye on the RWR for the second bogey. As long as I can keep their "spikes" in the same sector I'm happy.
•4 It all goes wrong...
I just can't pull the angles on those Vipers at all. One of them fires all his ammo at me and then leaves off the fight. The second Viper tries the same but I'm wise to him and start my big surprise, a rolling, spiraling descent.
•5 Mad Scramble.
I have to keep the speed down at this stage and keep twisting to get out of his gun sights. He overshoots, extends, and then goes vertical. That was my plan and I'm not about to get into a "loopfight" with him. I keep meeting him for near head-on passes, but we have too much separation for any hits. I take an opportunity as he is reversing to saddle up on his wingman, and nearly collide with him.
•6 They think it's all over...
Finally the computer has had enough. Accumulating Gs is something the Artificial Intelligence cannot handle and it nose-dives into the sea.
•7 It is now!
Then I go on a tour of the islands. Watch for the "touch and go" on the USMC Assault craft. They get a big fright...
You should try this mission the way I start out, no head-on pass at first, but try to keep your wingman alive. I lost sight of him after the initial break and he dies in a head-on. The Flanker is a bigger target, and my wingman just loves those head-ons... painfully. If you hang behind him you can lead-turn the Viper he engages. Then you will easily catch him as he flies past. Just watch out for the second Viper...